Find New Sales Leads

You know you need new sales leads.

In a perfect world you would have a huge network of family and friends to hit up for referrals. You would quickly generate enough new business to pay for marketing and rocket from startup to 6 figures.

But it’s not a perfect world…It’s a cold world where you don’t have an overflowing pipeline. And if you don’t sell more you’re done for.

What if there was a way to find new prospects in light speed?

Forget the old school “churn n burn” prospecting and “pressure” closing tactics. It’s a new age, you don’t have to do that crap anymore.

Now you can play the game smart.

Today I’m going to teach you the “Buyer Telepathy Technique” a powerhouse sales strategy to find new find new sales leads AND know exactly what to say to win the business.

When you use this technique the advantage you get is like having  your own superpower.

What Is “Buyer Telepathy”?

You don’t have to be a comic book fanatic or even a closet nerd (like yours truly) to have heard of the X-Men and their hairless fearless leader Professor X.

He couldn’t shoot laser beams from his eyes like cyclops or pop adamantium claws from his hands like wolverine. In fact he was at a physical disadvantage because he was paralyzed from the waste down. 

Yet, he is considered one of the most powerful heroes in the marvel universe.


His superpower allowed him to  get inside the minds of others, track them down wherever they were, uncover their inner feelings and influence their actions. This ability took away every advantage his opponents had and always gave him the upper hand.

The “Buyer Telepathy Technique” allows you to do the exact same thing in real life with your clients and customers.

With it you will:

  • Find new sales leads online
  • Spend your time with the right people
  • Know what to say to close the deal
  • Charge higher prices
  • Create web content that seduces prospects

It all starts with this one simple thing…

Why You Should Focus on Your Ideal Clients

Step One Focus

Stop spinning your wheels playing the numbers game right now. The “churn n burn” days are over so give yourself a break from all that rejection.

Your time is valuable, so when you are trying to find sales leads that will actually BUY what you’re selling, you need to be smart.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What kind of people usually buy your product?
  • Who do you have the easiest time relating with?
  • How old are they
  • Who they admire
  • Where do they live?
  • What do they do for a living?
  • How much do they make?
  • Can they can afford you?

Your answers will sift out the dirt right away and leave you with the gold nuggets you should invest your time in.

Your ideal clients.

Do you have your own red velvet rope policy that allows in only the most ideal clients, the ones who energize and inspire you? If you don’t, you will shortly. Why?

-Michael Port – Entrepreneur and Author of “Book Yourself Solid”

All your prospecting and marketing efforts should be directed towards reaching that specific group of people. Specializing lets you become the expert that people like buying from.

Think about it like this.

If you were hunting and you knew you wanted to eat deer, then you’re not going to rampage through the forest shooting at every edible animal you see right?

Why not?

If you did that the entire forest (including all the deer) would hear you coming miles away and clear it. So you would eat nothing.

The same principle applies to prospecting

Invest your time (and ammunition) in the ideal clients that are the most likely to buy from you.

Got it?

How to Find New Sales Leads Online in 24 Hours 

Step Two: Zero in Online

Now we know who we are looking for. Next we track them down 

Research shows the overwhelming majority of buyers look online first before making purchases. Want to find your ideal clients? The web is the best place to start.

Here are 2 of the top places your prospects hangout online

1. Social Media Groups

Social networks are built for connecting. There are special groups dedicated to nearly every industry and problem. These “watering holes” are where potential buyers gather.

Which ones would appeal to your ideal clients?

Look for discussions related to your product or service. They will lead you right to new business.


#Tweetchats are live events on twitter where conversations are moderated around topics at set times. A specific hashtag is used to keep the discussion focused.

The topics run a wide range and if you sell something a lot of people have a need for there is a very good chance you can find a tweetchat around it.

Here is a great resource to help you get started

Tweet Chats 101


LinkedIn groups are a place where professionals with the same interests go to share content find answers make connections and establish themselves as industry experts.

You can find groups to join by looking in the Groups Directory or viewing suggestions of groups you may like.

Look for LinkedIn groups that are:

  • Dedicated to the industries and interests of your ideal clients
  • Filled with a healthy number of members
  • Active with conversation and not filled with SPAM

LinkedIn is a great way to connect and find leads. If you know how to use it.

Here is a beastly resource to help you get the most out of LinkedIn

How to Network using LinkedIn


Facebook isn’t just for random status updates, poking and liking cat pics.

Couple eyeball popping stats for you:

  • 1 Billion Active Monthly Users
  • 5 Billion Likes Generated Daily
  • 16 Million Local Business Pages on Facebook
  • 665 Million Daily Active Users
  • 751 Million Mobile Monthly Active Users

No matter what you are selling…you can find prospects on Facebook.

Just like LinkedIn you can find groups dedicated to interests your ideal clients may gravitate to.

That’s just the top 3 social networks.

Some prospects may be attracted to other networks like Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube or whichever that new one that just popped up 5 seconds ago is.

Here are 2 world class resources for finding sales leads on social networks. Check them out.

How To Find New Prospects on Social Media In Just 5 minutes

How To Find Prospects on Social Media And Transform Them Into Customers

2. Popular Forums

Forums are a great place to find leads early in the buying cycle so you can get your foot in the door first. People go there because they have questions and problems they want the solution to.

What questions do people that pay for your product or service normally have? What kind of problems do you solve?

Do a google search for (Ideal client/industry/ problem +forums like the examples below

“First time home buyer forum”

“Small business owner forum”

“How to save for retirement forum”

Spend some time browsing until you find the most active ones. Bookmark them.

My favorite mainstream forums are:

  • Quora
  • Reddit
  • Wiki Answers
  • Yahoo Answers

How to Find Out What Your Prospects Really Want

Step Three: Mind Read

You know how to find them…but how can you find out what they want to hear?

A big part of what makes Buyer Telepathy powerful is it’s like peeking right into the minds and hearts of prospects.

All you have to do now is LISTEN to what they are saying.

Hang out in the most popular social network groups and forums you found then do your best “fly on the wall” impression.

Pay attention to:

  • What buyers are most attracted to
  • What frustrates them the most
  • Which answers and resources are the most popular?
  • What they say about similar products, services, you and your competition?
  • Why they bought
  • What kind of obstacles are in their way
  • Their Most Common Objections
  • What isn’t currently being offered
  • How to tie in your solution with extra value they can’t get anywhere else

Look for words like frustrated, problem, help, tips, advice, wish, question, flustered and other emotional or pain words.

Now you can hear things straight from your customer’s mouths uncut.

You will learn exactly how your customers are feeling… so you know exactly which red buttons to push.


The Sales Ninja

Head to and do a search for products that relate to your product or service.

There is a DIY or self-help book for just about any product or  service you can offer. Read their reviews. The knowledge you will gain is like finding hidden gold.

Which products get the most stars? Why?

Which get the least? Why?

This is one of the best ways to get into the minds and hearts of your customers. This Tactic will give you an unfair advantage.

Try this out…See how many light bulbs go off in your head while you read.

Feel like you have an edge yet?

Now it’s time to put everything together and get results from all this research.

Next up…

How to Use Buyer Telepathy to Close More Deals

 What made Professor X so damn powerful?

He knew what his opponents were thinking before they did it. He could prepare for any situation before it happened and guide it where HE wanted it to go.

Once you know WHO your prospects are WHERE they are and WHAT they want it’s easy to give them what they NEED.

1. Make a “Mafia Value Proposition” that matches what your ideal clients really want.

Anytime you speak with a prospect you only have a few seconds to get their attention and prove yourself valuable.

When you know the deep desires and frustrations of prospects it’s easy to make them propositions they “can’t refuse”. This will buy you time and cut down quick brush offs.

It will also help you give your product or service higher perceived value. So you can charge higher prices.

Keep it 10 seconds or less.

2. Create a list of 5-10 Sales Questions.

Good sales questions draw out each prospects specific buying motives.

These questions are based of the biggest frustrations your prospects have and their biggest desires.

Your goal with these questions is to lead buyers into identifying they have a problem or want what you have. Sales questions based on research will impress your prospects and allow you to guide conversations where you want them to go.

3. Write a list of the top 5 objections or concerns you see most.

Prepare responses or resources to help your prospects overcome them.

It’s not about using some manipulative sales tactic. It’s about being prepared and being an expert able to lead your prospects. Make them confident, make them trust you.

If you know ahead of time what your prospects most common objections are its easy to prepare for the sale.

4. Gather Case Studies Testimonials and Stories

Collect case studies, testimonials of how people have  benefited from what you offer. Features and benefits tell its the stories that sell.

Sharing legitimate proof someone else has succeeded with what you offer speaks volumes. They capture the attention and create confidence. Gather at least 3 go to stats or stories to share during your conversations.

Whether in person or online, objections will always be there. You might as well address them on your own terms.

“I don’t have the time to do this”

You work in an ultra-competitive industry. You need to stand out from your competition and make prospects perceive a difference between you and everybody else.

Nothing makes a prospect more confident than talking to someone that is prepared, sounds like they know what they are talking about and has the prospects best interests at heart.

Is that you? Or is it the other guy?

In 30- 60 minutes you can:

  • Find new prospects online
  • Create tools you can use online and in every appointment
  • Be more confident in yourself… because you know what to say
  • Make prospects more confident in you…because you know what to say
  • Gain an advantage over your competition

Would that be worth it?

The TakeAway


People buy from you when they feel understood.”

– Dean Grazios

Today you got an unfair advantage. Think of it as your new sales superpower. “The Buyer Telepathy Technique” allows you to.

  • Zero in on your most profitable clients
  • Find new sales leads online 
  • Get into their heads (and find out what they really want)
  • Create tools to close more deals

So stop struggling to find new business and stop fumbling when you get your chance.

Professor X was virtually unbeatable because he got into his opponents heads.

You can become virtually undeniable by getting into your prospects heads…and touching their hearts.

Play chess not checkers.